Grownup Dish monthly newsletter

May 2024 Grownup Dish Newsletter

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Read the May 2024 Newsletter

I’m rushing to get this newsletter into your hot little hands before Cinco de Mayo (this Sunday) and in time to give you my favorite Mother’s Day gift ideas. Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12th.

Here are a few quick notes. I’ll send out a second newsletter in a week or so because I have a lot more goodies to share.

  • Mother’s Day Gift Guide is hot off the press. Make sure you click through to see the post as there are a bunch of videos and discount codes that will help you out.
  • Cinco de Mayo is Sunday and I rounded up a bunch of my favorite Mexican recipes and put them in one post for you.
  • Do you have a fun grandparent name? I recently shared mine in a video and asked for suggestions and there were some really fun and clever ones!
  • Speaking of being a grandparent, we recently welcomed beautiful Noelle (grandchild #5)! She was born in Kuwait where my stepson and his wife are currently living and she’s adorable. I can’t wait to get my hands on her!
  • One of the joys of getting older is that your mouth falls apart. (Why does nobody tell us these things?!) I recently started using an electric flosser and it’s really improved my ability to reach my back teeth. I liked it so much, I bought one for the hubby (and I got a discount code for YOU). You can read my full review HERE or see it in action in this video.

It’s Gonna Be May,
Jill xoxoxo

P.S. If you (astutely) noticed that my Mother’s Day gift guide doesn’t include any BeautyCounter products, it’s because the website is currently down as the company is being sold back to Gregg Renfrew, the original founder. More to come.

Read the issue and be sure to SUBSCRIBE  so future issues get delivered straight to your inbox

Check out my previous newsletters HERE.

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