How to Feel More Confident In Your Own Skin

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Confidence and appearance often go hand-in-hand. It might be easier to be confident if you’re happy with how you look. On the other hand, confidence is attractive in itself. 

With this in mind, here are a few ways to help you boost your confidence. Whether you’re growing older and struggling with physical changes, or you’ve always struggled with your self esteem, there’s never a bad time to start working on it. You’ll be happier with yourself and might even be healthier.

Mental and Emotional Support

While confidence is related to appearance, it is rooted in your mind and how you view yourself. You could be the most beautiful and attractive person in the world, but it’s by no means a guarantee that you’re going to be confident. 

Surround yourself with people who help you see yourself positively. Your friends and family should build you up, not tear you down. Seek kindness.

This can be a huge boost, but you can also help yourself. Think about how you think. Do you drag yourself down a lot? Self-deprecating humor might be funny in the moment, but does it reflect how you feel about yourself? 

There’s a difference between confidence and arrogance, and you can love yourself and raise your self esteem without being overconfident.

Working Out

Exercise is a fantastic way to boost your confidence and to be healthier. When you work out, you’re working towards a goal. You feel a sense of accomplishment every time you finish a workout session, even if you haven’t reached any personal bests.

Working out can involve going to the gym, taking regular walks, playing sports, or whatever else suits your circumstances and your preferences. The most important thing is that you work out regularly.

If you’re fit, you can retain your youth for longer. You protect your cardiovascular system and your joints by keeping them active.

We’re designed to move, so find ways to integrate it into your life.

Your Smile

One of the biggest hits to someone’s confidence might be their smile. This is heartbreaking when you think about it, because smiling is how we show our joy. Nobody wants to feel uncomfortable or self-conscious every time they’re happy.

And, dental and oral health can impact our smiles. I’m a huge proponent of good dental care and that’s why I’ve chosen to work with two high-quality dental brands: Slate Electric Dental Flosser and Zima Dental (who makes cleaning and carrying cases for dental appliances, mouth guards, etc.)

The good news is that there are a few fixes, some fast and some slow. One of the easiest ways to improve your smile is through teeth whitening. White teeth lead to a brighter smile and correct any discoloration that you might be self-conscious about.

If you have misaligned, damaged, or missing teeth, more involved fixes might be needed. 

Braces and other orthopedic treatments can improve how you smile, but they can also improve your health. Misaligned teeth can make you more prone to cavities and even infections or abscesses. I had braces as a teenager and Invisalign as an adult.

Missing or damaged teeth can be repaired, filled in, or capped. This will make it easier to eat and speak, and it will make your smile look more perfect.

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