9 Magical Ways to Create a Glorious Summer Glow

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I’ve always been super envious of beautiful women who walk around with a stunning summer glow when the sun starts to shine. My usual vibe is wiping dripping sweat from the end of my nose. There is a difference between having a dewy summer glow and being completely overwhelmed with the heat, but how can you achieve this in the most effortless way possible? Whether you’re taking better care of your skin, or you’re cleaning up your diet, there are many ways to create a glorious summer glow without trying too hard! Consider the following nine magical methods and you will soon be glowing from head to toe.

Revamp Your Skincare Regime

Your skin can go through all sorts of different journeys as the weather changes and the conditions alter. Revamping your skincare regime is important for the summer as it can help you to get the glow you’re really looking to achieve. Applying a high quality SPF is one of the most important additions to your skincare routine – I love this one from DRMTLGY.

Take Good Care of Your Hair

Your hair can start to show signs of dryness and split ends if you don’t take good care of it on a daily basis. Believe it or not, you should be washing your hair just a couple of times a week, but it’s most important to research how to properly condition hair. Hair conditioner is very simple to use, but there are a lot of common mistakes that people don’t realize they’re making. The most important thing is to use a hair conditioner that is specifically for your hair type. Ask your hairdresser for further advice if you’re unsure which shampoo and conditioner is going to create the smoothest and most luxurious locks!

Stretch Every Morning

If you want to step out of the house with a beautiful glow every single morning, you need to take time to stretch and possibly do some yoga. When you stretch every morning you’ll start to feel more relaxed and at ease which can work like a charm for your flexibility and posture too!

Nourish Your Body With Whole Foods

In order to create a glorious glow you need to nourish your body with whole foods that give your body the energy it needs to feel on top of the world each day. Whole foods include wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish and much more. If you can gradually start to add these into your diet on a daily basis, you’ll soon start to feel the glow through and through. Although it may feel tricky to completely change the way you eat and drink on a daily basis, you can add fruits and vegetables into your diet with ease. Simply make yourself a fruit smoothie each morning and you’ll soon have everything you need to start the day in a positive way.

Take a Vitamin D Supplement

Vitamin D will always be king when it comes to looking after yourself properly. Taking a vitamin D supplement is a way to make sure your body has enough of this important substance. Unfortunately, not every country has enough sunlight to keep you well fed and nourished, so this is going to give you the spring in your step that you’re looking for this summer time. You can take vitamin D in a capsule or via an energizing drink, so look into the best option for you and enjoy the revitalized feeling!

Do Activities That Make You Happy

When you are truly happy with everything you’re doing and accomplishing in life, you will start to shine and glow from the outside. If you’re not feeling your very best in your career, your relationship or your home life, this is going to show through your appearance, even if you don’t realize it from the outset. As soon as you start doing activities you truly enjoy, you’ll start to feel more positive and vibrant each and every day.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Have you ever wondered why they refer to it as “beauty sleep”? Well, it’s because getting a good night’s sleep is one of the only ways to give yourself youthful and glowing skin. No matter how well you eat and how much moisturizer you use on a daily basis, you have to take care of yourself from the inside and give yourself enough rest each evening.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Carrying around a water bottle during the summer is a must-do, even if you’re not usually an avid water drinker. Staying hydrated is one of the only ways to create smooth and supple skin that gives you a healthy glow. There are so many reasons to drink plenty of water each day, but it’s also vital for healthy skin, hair and nails. Getting enough water in your your body will also help you with your overall energy levels too; you’ll feel so much more alive when you have at least two liters of fresh water each day. Adding a sugar-free syrup is a trick I use to improve the taste of tap water.

Move Your Body – Everyday

Getting your body moving is always going to help you feel great and give you a gorgeous glow, especially when the summer months roll around. Doing some gentle movement each day will help you to feel fit, toned and energized so that you look as good as you feel!

Hopefully, some of these ideas give you inspiration to take good care of your health and wellbeing during the summer. Gradually, you will start to notice that this has a positive impact on the way you look and feel. Eating whole foods, taking good care of your hair and staying hydrated are all wonderful habits to help you feel your very best whatever the weather may be!

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